Coming back to my capital city, I was eager to go back to site to get started on a World Water Day Radio ad, but was just too exhausted and couldn't finish a couple of errands

Now heading back to site tomorrow, I am feeling a little depressed today. I think most of it is due to lack of sleep. Maybe things will be better tomorrow when I wake up. So what I got going for me this next week is I will be helping with a general meeting about the water to inform the people of the new changes. The next day is World Water Day (March 22) which is a great opportunity to help educate the people of the water issues that people face and will face in the future. I leave the next week to meet my sponsor child and am lucky enough to have Frieda and Fletch to come with me. After that I will head back to Lima for a Project Development meeting where 2 members of my community will be heading down.

Other fun dates... half marathon in July (on the beach) and possibly the Lima marathon in Aug.