Coming back to my capital city, I was eager to go back to site to get started on a World Water Day Radio ad, but was just too exhausted and couldn't finish a couple of errands

Now heading back to site tomorrow, I am feeling a little depressed today. I think most of it is due to lack of sleep. Maybe things will be better tomorrow when I wake up. So what I got going for me this next week is I will be helping with a general meeting about the water to inform the people of the new changes. The next day is World Water Day (March 22) which is a great opportunity to help educate the people of the water issues that people face and will face in the future. I leave the next week to meet my sponsor child and am lucky enough to have Frieda and Fletch to come with me. After that I will head back to Lima for a Project Development meeting where 2 members of my community will be heading down.

Other fun dates... half marathon in July (on the beach) and possibly the Lima marathon in Aug.
Yo, that mullet was too much!!! Think you could ever get to La Cruz to provide support to my host mom with her project to get the water improved there?
Missing you from Wisconsin where the water is plentiful and safe, the food delicious but there's no one as wacky as my friends in Peru 12
You know it! Peru 12 is wild. I hope you´re doing well. We miss you. We all still talk about you! Thanks for the comment! I hope you are well!
Take care!
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