It's crazy that I've been here for more than 6 months-a half a year in site!- but I still am amazed by the fact that I live here and how beautiful it is here! I can honestly say that this is the happiest that I've been in a long time (not that I was that unhappy before) and that this is exactly what I was wanting from this experience. It's indecribable how satisfying daily interactions can be exemplifying the integration that has taken place in this period of time that I have lived in my site. I am utterly content by the work that I am doing and the progress that I am TRYING to make. I realize how difficult developement is. But it's strange that I can actually feel the developement taking place. I've always wanted to live in the past to see and be a part of developement, and now I have the chance. I've told people how I feel like I've went back in time but with a few modern-day conveniences like phone and internet.

So moving on to real news and updates in what I have been doing here. I got to be the padrino (sponsor) of two olympic games, one for the technoligical institute in my town and one for one of the 'high schools'. Funny story: the communication issue does not just reside in the language barrier... so I was elected to be the sponsor of this 5th cycle of the nursing program at the institute and had understood (along with the madrina-other sponsor- who speaks spanish) that we were to buy sporting shirts just for girls. We later found out that we were supposed to buy unisex shirts since there were also boys in the group. THIS WAS NOT THE FAULT OF MY INABILITY TO SPEAK OR UNDERSTAND SPANISH! It's just a part of the culture for things to be unclear. Like for example, time. A meeting at 8am means it will start anywhere from 8:30 to 10:30 depending on the perceived importance of the meeting. This can waste a lot of time for a PC volunteer. Nuff said. Back to the olympiadas, my boys soccer (fulbito) team ended up winning the tournament, and I ended up getting to play a game with the professors, which was fun even though my team lost.

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